Video recommendation week 14/2022

1min read

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In his TED Talk, "The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers," Adam Grant discusses the habits of original thinkers and how they differ from the habits of non-original thinkers. He argues that original thinkers are more likely to take risks, to be open to new ideas, and to be persistent in the face of failure. They are also more likely to have a "growth mindset" - a belief that their abilities can be developed through effort and practice.

Grant cites several examples of original thinkers who have made significant contributions to their fields, including scientists, writers, and entrepreneurs. He argues that their success is due, in part, to their willingness to take risks and to embrace new ideas.

Why do we think this video is worth watching (15min):

Grant's talk provides a valuable perspective on the habits of successful people. It is an inspiring and insightful look at what it takes to be an original thinker.

More about Adam Grant:

If you know a video that we should feature as the video of the week, send us a message in the contact section with the link to the video and the reason why you think it is worth watching.


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