Video recommendation week 17/2022

1min read

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In Sarah Potter's Ted Talk, "What You Weren't Taught About Making Money", she addresses the taboo topics of money and finances that are often left unspoken. She begins by sharing her own story of financial instability and insecurity, which led her to eventually start her own financial coaching business.

According to Sarah Potter, there are several things that you weren't taught about making money. For one, you need to be proactive and not wait for opportunities to come to you. Secondly, you need to think about how you can add value to others and not just focus on making money for yourself. Finally, you need to be willing to take risks, because that's often where the biggest rewards are. By following these tips, you can put yourself in a much better position to start making serious money.

Why we think this video is worth watching (12 min):

It's no secret that our education system is seriously flawed. So many of us are left unprepared for the real world, especially when it comes to financial literacy. This is why I believe it's so important to watch Sarah Potter's talk on making money.

More about Sarah Potter:

If you know a video that we should feature as the video of the week, send us a message in the contact section with the link to the video and the reason why you think it is worth watching.


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