Storytime 365 - 1000 Subscribers! Thank you!

On October 1st 2022 our YouTube Channel Storytime 365 published the first episode (In case you missed it, you can watch it here:

On December 3t,h, about 2 months and 64 episodes later, we reached our first milestone with 500 Subscribers and just 3 days later our next goal - 1000 Subscribers! TIme to celebrate and say THANK YOU!

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! To all the people who helped and supported us, by viewing our content, like, share and subscribe to our channel - we appreciate each and every one of you!

As we reached this second milestone planted another tree in the name of our subscribers with (

And we made another short thank you clip.

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We really appreciate each and every one of you - a lot!

The next milestone will be 5000 subscribers - when we plant the next tree - so stay tuned.

1000 Subscribers! Thank you for your support and happy holidays!

And now it’s time to snuggle up under a cozy blanket in front of the fireplace and get ready for Storytime 365 - we have a bunch of great christmas stories ready for you - and remember to like and subscribe and tell all your friends. Hope to see you soon!


Storytime 365 - Christmas wish list (Limited time deals)


Storytime 365 - 500 Subscribers!