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Video recommendation 1/2023 - is aging reversable

Video recommendation 1/2023: Is aging reversable?

Have you ever wondered how long you will live? And if so, how could you change that number to live drastically longer? The science might be in your favor: follow David Sinclair, Australian biologist and professor of genetics at Harvard University, as he shares his research on slowing and reversing the process of aging in mice, and how the same technology may someday be transferable to humans.

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Video recommendation Marc Buchser Video recommendation Marc Buchser

Video recommendation week 22/2022

Video recommendation week 22/2022:

"Where are you from?"

It's a simple question, one we ask each other all the time. But for Taiye Selasi, it's not so simple. In this elegant, funny talk, Selasi shares a powerful idea: that instead of asking someone where they're from, we should ask where they're a local.

"Because the more places we're local, the more places we're from," Selasi says. "And the more places we're from, the more connected we are."

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